Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Date : 16 - 18 July 2009
Venue : Cameron Highlands , Pahang

No words can describe , how happy i am to be with my hubby on a holiday... We really enjoy the panorama while having a breakfast with fresh brewed Tea from Cameron Valley. The fresh air & the green sight.. really calming. Hope can be there again.. me & hubby plan to buy pokok bunga banyak2 coz that day we juz buy a 2-3 pokok jer.. bunga 3bulan & roses.

At Cameron Valley - Tea Plantation

"BOH" Factory & Tea Plantation Sg. Palas

Cactus Valley
Butterfly Farm

Equatorial Hotel

Green Garden Nursery

Breakfast @ Cameron Valley Tea Shop

Air Terjun , Lata Iskandar